The Deadline for entering your horror feature, horror short or horror themed music video into The American Horrors Film Festival is fast approaching, get your entry in by August 25th to take advantage of the slashed entry fees (there was no rise in price from regular deadline to the late deadline and all student entry fees are discounted by 50%)!
The American Horrors Film Festival will be hosted by horror legend, Hart D. Fisher and Wisconsin’s most popular horror show host, Deadgar Winter & his DeadGirls to co-host at the recently renovated & re-opened Geneva Theaters in historic downtown Lake Geneva, WI, Friday October 27th & Saturday October 28th in the main theater with a brand new screen, 4K digital projection, over 200 leather bound seats, brand new sound system, food delivered to your seat, Halloween surprise give-aways and convenient parking right next door to the theater!
All entries can be made online at: https://filmfreeway.com/festival/TheAmericanHorrorsFilmFestival
To make things even more interesting, The American Horrors Film Festival will have it’s red carpet (at the historic Geneva Theaters http://geneva4.com/ in downtown Lake Geneva) with it’s participants, panelists and audience members filmed for a tv special to be aired worldwide on the new American Horrors Roku channel (over 133,000 cumulative installs on Roku alone since October,2015) at the end of the year!
The Winners of Best Feature, Best Short & Best Music Video will win cash prizes, an (optional) contract to have their work air on the American Horrors channels worldwide, plus more crazy prizes TBA!
Both American Horrors channels are now available for free online at http://americanhorrors.com/
Contact the American Horrors offices at (262) 607-6163
Email at pr@americanhorrors.com
American Horrors facebook ( www.facebook.com/americanhorrors )
Twitter: @americanhorroru
Use channel code AMHOR to add American Horrors to your Roku channel line up or watch the original American Horrors channel at Filmon.com or www.americanhorrors.com